ELT Canva Consultancy + Teacher Training

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Canva support in our ELT world

Hayward ELT Training

As a qualified and experienced ELT specialist I can support you as a new or experienced teacher with the next steps in ELT teaching or using digital tools in the ELT classroom

Want to save time learning Canva for ELT?

Join my online training course/s for ELT professionals to create effective ELT content for teaching or socials. Learn the tools + have digital, design fun.

Lacking Canva for ELT confidence?

Join my regular online webinars to learn exact skills + hacks to boost your Canva know-how

Need bespoke ELT support?

My 1-2-1 sessions include 30-min discovery call, up to 6 bespoke Canva templates then 60-min training to edit + create your own Canva magic!

Hayward ELT Training
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Canva course

6-hour online group sessions that includes all things Canva for your ELT business or classroom.

Unlock the power of Canva: I share hacks with ELT professionals to save you time. Fast track your ELT Canva expertise + have some digital design for the classroom or in your business.

Paid webinars

Regular 90 min webinars on specific Canva for ELT topics to aid your business or classroom.

I will help you with hacks + shortcuts in Canva especially designed for ELT professionals to aid your business or be used with your learners.

Free webinars

Regular 90 min meet ups to celebrate our Canva creations + learn from each other.

An informal space to celebrate our fun Canva creations with other ELT Canva designers. We can share ideas or designs + learn from each other.


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The webinar was very focused on my needs - creating presentations slides.


The webinar was useful. I could take what I learned and make use of it almost immediately.
